You may see more than one record from us where you have held more than one Anglian Water Account number for a different address.
You may also see more than one record if we have registered a default against you. When we first begin your reporting to the Credit Reference Agencies you will have a Current record with us which receives a monthly report. If we later register a Default against you because your balance is overdue by 90 days or more, we’ll transfer the defaulted balance into a separate default record, and your existing current record will close. From then on, a new current record will be created for future bills that aren’t included in the Default.
The same principal applies if any new bills become overdue by 90 days or more with no payment arrangement in place, they’re transferred into the existing Default, closing the current record and creating a new current record for on-going bills.
This is different to other lenders and utilities, as Water companies will continue to provide a service after an account has been registered in default.