Message last updated - Tuesday 14th January 2025
Message last updated - Tuesday 14th January 2025
Message last updated - Tuesday 14th January 2025
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Shop Window – our platform for accelerating innovation
Innovation is a key tool in our mission to keep finding new ways to look after our customers and our environment.
Our Shop Window initiative helps our people to do this by removing barriers to innovation and providing a space to accelerate innovation before it’s rolled out more widely. It’s the area of our business where our people can determine what the water company of the future could look like.
Why is it known as the Shop Window?
The term Shop Window harks from the traditional green grocer, who would put all his or her best products in their physical shop window. At Anglian Water, it refers to the fact we’re trialling all the best technologies, approaches and ways of working in the Shop Window area. When the Shop Window started in 2015, it was purely focused on technology and products, but following a recent evolution, it now takes a much more holistic approach.
A new set of priorities
Our business priorities shift to meet customer expectations and the demands on our environment. Our five year business plan to 2025 lays out what we expect to deliver and our Shop Window strategy reflects this. Our current Shop Window priorities are listed below. All projects taking place in this space will aim to generate outcomes that meet these priorities.
Expanded geography
The former hub of Newmarket will remain a key centre of activity alongside Cambridge. The expansion goes north to include the west coast of Norfolk and a number of towns and villages. This represents a more accurate cross section of our whole region and allows access to a much broader range of infrastructure to test innovative ideas and solutions on.
Different decision-making process
As the Shop Window is about the future of our water company, we’ve adapted the decision making structure to ensure those making the decisions will see through the process in the long term. That’s why the management board who make major decisions about the Shop Window consists of senior members of the Anglian Water board, as well as those sitting on our Future Leaders Board who are at an earlier stage in their careers.
People, process AND technology
While Shop Window started life very much technology focused, the importance of our people and the processes and approaches we develop together have become more significant. It’s important we ensure these work together – technology can only do so much without people to use the information it produces and develop the process that sits around it.
Current projects
Five-point plan for innovation acceleration
The five-point plan for innovation acceleration, the latest in a series, highlights the importance of innovation throughout the business and its supply chain, rather than as something which happens in dedicated pockets.
Operating in the driest region in the country, we anticipates water shortfalls as early as 2025 without significant action. Yet at the same time, the region’s low-lying geography and changing rainfall patterns are leading to increased risk of flooding. The escalating climate crisis is already evident in the East of England, underlining the need to find novel methods of mitigating climate change, and adapting to its impacts.
As one of the biggest energy users in the East of England, we committed in 2019 alongside the whole water industry to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030, twenty years ahead of government targets. Population growth also poses a challenge for the business, with 175,000 new homes anticipated in the company’s region by 2025.
The plan sets out how we plan to face these challenges. It outlines Anglian Water’s track record, current work and ambitions on innovation across five key areas:
Anglian Water’s five-point plan for innovation acceleration